Selvey Studios

In-Person or Online Singing, Musicianship, & Conducting Lessons


A.I.: All-Inclusive, Orga vs. Mecha (Audio Performance 2017)
Circuits: Community exhibition exploring the intersection of body and technology
Marquee Gallery, New London, Connecticut
April 2017

Singing: Teaching, Performing, Networking & Entrepreneurship
Paper Accepted
The Great Lakes Region of the College Music Society, Murray State University, Kentucky
April 2017

What They See IS What They Hear: The Power of Visual Suggestion
Research Poster & Presentation
National Conference of the American Choral Directors Association, Minneapolis, MN
March 2017

Unlocking Singer and Conductor Expression through Movement
Research Presentation & Workshop
Lab Choir: CHARIS, the St. Louis Women's Chorus
International Festival of GALA Choruses, Denver, CO
July 2016

Creating a Positive Classroom Culture and Composing for the Changing Adolescent Voice
Guest Lecture
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
April 2016

Unlocking Musical Creativity through Movement
Workshop on Laban Effort Actions applied to singing and conducting
District 6 Festival, Illinois Music Educators Association, Carbondale, IL
November 2015

Empowering Creativity in Musical Expression
National In-Service
National Association for Music Education, Nashville, TN
October 2015

Illinois Music Educators District VI: Sight Reading Workshop
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
September 2014

What They See Is What They Hear: The Power of Visual Suggestion
Teacher In-Service
Connecticut Music Educators Associaion, Hartford, CT
May 2015

The Changing Voice
Guest Lecture
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, IL
April 2015

Illinois Music Educators District VI: Sight Reading Workshop
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
September 2014

Transgender Voice Transitions
Round Table
National Managers & & Directors Convention
Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses, Atlanta, GA
September 2013

Principles of Networking
Emerging Leaders Mixer
Chorus America, Seattle, WA
Jun 2013

Investing in Your Singers: Vocal Coaches for Your Chorus
International Festival
Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses, Denver, CO
July 2012

The Effect of Conductor Expressivity on Choral Ensemble Evaluation
International Conference for the Music Perception & Cognition / The European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Thessaloniki, Greece.
July 2012

The Effect of Conductor Expressivity on Choral Ensemble Evaluation
Biennal National Conference
National Association for Music Education, St. Louis, MO
March 2012

Transforming Choral Culture
Winter Workshop
Washington American Choral Directors Association, Vancouver, WA
January 2012

The Effect of Conductor Expressivity on Choral Ensemble Evaluation
Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, Taipei, Taiwan
July 2011

Text and Mood Painting in Choral Art Song
Guest Lecture
The Concert Season, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
May 2011

Articulation & Diction: “Frienemies”
Guest Lecture
Advanced Choral Techniques, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
February 2011

The Effect of Conductor Expressivity on Choral Ensemble Evaluation
International Research in Music Behavior Symposium, Barcelona, Spain
February 2011

Mendelssohn’s Elijah for Dummies
Guest Lecture
The Concert Season, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
February 2011

Enlarging the Circle: An Investment in the Choral Arts
Regional Conference of NAfMe Northwest
National Association for Music Education, Bellevue, WA
February 2011

The Effect of Conductor Expressivity on Choral Ensemble Evaluation
Regional Conference of NAfMe Northwest
National Association for Music Education, Bellevue, WA
February 2011

Children’s Music in Other Cultures
Guest Lecture
Children in Music Ministry, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL
May 2003

©Copyright 2016-present Jeremiah Selvey