Selvey Studios

In-Person or Online Singing, Musicianship, & Conducting Lessons


Please contact Jeremiah for more details or samples of these works.

SSAA a cappella arrangement of Melinda Ohlemiller's song.
Commissioned by CHARIS, the St. Louis Women's Chorus.
Premiered July 3, 2016 at the International GALA Festival in Denver, Colorado.

Singing for Our Lives
SSAA a cappella arrangement of Holly Near's song.
Commissioned by CHARIS, the St. Louis Women's Chorus.
Premiered April 29, 2016 in St. Louis, Missouri, and performed at the International GALA Festival in Denver, Colorado.

Choral Suite from Treemonisha
TTBB arrangement of Scott Joplin’s opera in multiple movements.
Commissioned by the Oakland-East Bay Gay Men’s Chorus – Oakland, CA.
January 2014

Water Boy
TTBB arrangement with soprano
Commissioned by the Oakland-East Bay Gay Men’s Chorus – Oakland, CA.
January 2014

He’ll Make a Way (Byron J. Smith)
TTBB arrangement w/ solo
Commissioned by the Oakland-East Bay Gay Men’s Chorus – Oakland, CA.
Self-published. Submitted to original publisher.
January 2014

True Light  (Keith Hampton)
TTBB arrangement w/ solo
Commissioned by the Oakland-East Bay Gay Men’s Chorus – Oakland, CA.
Self-published. Submitted to original publisher.
January 2014

I Hear America singing (Andre Thomas) TTBB arrangement
Commissioned by the Oakland-East Bay Gay Men’s Chorus – Oakland, CA.
Self-published. Submitted to original publisher.
January 2014

Seasons of Love (Jonathan Larson) TTBB arrangement
Commissioned by the Seattle SeaChordsmen and performed by Tacoma Community College Choirs & the Oakland-East Bay Gay Men’s Chorus.
Published by Tresona Publishing.
January 2013

Psalm 139 (in 4 movements)
SATB divisi, mezzo-soprano solo, percussion, & organ
Commissioned by Grace Lutheran Church, Wenatchee, Washington.
Self published and premiered.
May 2009

How Long, O Lord?
SATB divisi a cappella
Commissioned by Grace Lutheran Church, Wenatchee, Washington.
Self-published and premiered.
April 2009

The Blessed Man
SA with percussion & piano
Commissioned by Cantorei of Grace Lutheran Church, Wenatchee, Washington.
Self-published and premiered.
Feb 2009

I Will Rejoice (Michael W. Smith & Beverly Darnall)
SSAA arrangement
Commissioned and recorded by Moody Bible Institute. Submitted to Word Publishing.
January 2006

Soprano with handbells
Premiered by Laura Dixon Strickling and the Jubilation Ringers of the College Church in Wheaton, Illinois.
Mar 2003

A Tone Painting on Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Handbells, percussion
Premiered by the Jubilation Ringers of the College Church in Wheaton, Illinois.
Jan 2003

©Copyright 2016-present Jeremiah Selvey